Note: The New Testament word, "Church," is found 79 times in the King James version.
This is the Greek word "Ekklesia".This word means the, Christian community. It is not referring to the "church"
that we have today where people live separate
from each other, do their own thing, and come together a couple times a week for fellowship. It is the united body of genuine
believers in Christ, separated from the world and consecrated and dedicated to Christ's Will!
THE LOST estate of all humanity, outside of Jesus Christ, is the unanimous testimony of the
New Testament. This tragic fact cannot be doubted by those who accept the testimony of the Scriptures as authoritative
and valid in matters of human belief
and conduct. There are really only two classes of people: the saved, and the lost. And, every person is in one or the other
of these classes; there is no middle ground, no halfway place.
The natural man recoils from considering his lost condition. He realizes that
he is not perfect—far from it—but he can
hardly think that the situation amounts to lostness. He feels that there must be something in him, or something he can
do, which will commend him to God and gain some favor in God's sight. God is surely not so unmerciful as to cast him out
altogether he concludes. Persons living according to average high moral standards find great difficulty in accepting the
Scriptural estimate of themselves, at least until the Spirit of God does His convicting work in their lives. The Bible
is the only reliable source of knowledge on this point. Philosophy, science, ethics, and non-Biblical religions are not
revelational (given by God) and therefore tend to commend man instead of condemn him. Human consciousness and opinion are
altogether untrustworthy. For man, as a sinful creature, has a DEPRAVED HEART AND A DARKENED MIND. HE CANNOT FORM CORRECT
The entire Biblical plan of redemption rests upon the truthfulness and factuality of the
utter lostness of mankind. We must
accept the Bible's teachings here or else reject them all along the line. We must weigh this testimony carefully.
The New Testament reveals that there may be wide variation in degrees of personal human sinfulness. Yet there is no
variation in the fact of man's universal sinfulness and separation from God. Obviously some are worse sinners than others,
but nevertheless all are sinners and all sinners are lost. Sinners are COMPLETELY LOST, NOT PARTIALLY. They are lost here
and now, in this life, unless they repent and believe in Jesus Christ. They do not have to wait until their works are
investigated and weighed before the judgment bar of God to know their status and destiny. These facts are determined here
and now by their actions and their attitude toward, and relationship to, God's Son.
Christians will never experience a compassionate concern for the salvation of the
lost until the teachings of the Bible
sink deeply into their hearts. They must know the desperate condition of men before they will attempt to try to win them
to Christ. The three greatest passages in the Bible concerning the lost are: Romans 3:9-20; Ephesians 2; and John 3.
Beginning with these passages, and listing the items separately, we will find at least a hundred ways in which the New
Testament describes the lost condition of humanity.
Following the American Standard Version of the Bible, we will make a list of these indictments
beginning with Romans 3:9-20, which refers to all men, both Jews and Greeks (those not part of God's chosen people):
This is a carefully studied and constructed indictment of the entire world. Many of
these items are mentioned in the Psalms; one of the most loved books of the Old Testament. EVERY CONDITION AND SIN
Someone has suggested a unique way of using this passage in dealing with the unsaved to bring them under conviction.
If someone should deny the application of this passage to himself, ask him to read the passage aloud and insert the
phrase, "except me" after each item. Thus he would read: "they are all under sin except me", "as it is written, There
is none righteous, no, not one except me", "there is none that understandeth except me." Such an interpretation would
prove to him that HE IS NO EXCEPTION, and that no one dare except himself from the condemnation of this passage. The
Scripture never meant to except [omit] anyone.
Ephesians 2 is another prominent passage regarding God's estimate of those outside of
Jesus Christ. The chapter is
addressed to those who have been saved, and reveals what the mighty power of God has done in redeeming them from a
fearful past. All the items in this chapter also apply, as a present experience, to all unsaved people, particularly
The third greatest passage concerning the lost is the well-known third chapter
of John's Gospel. If these truths applied to Nicodemus, a religious Pharisee of high standing, then they must
also apply to all other unsaved people. Let us add these items to those already listed:
Another passage is 2 Timothy 3:1-9 which deals with the grievous times of the last days.
We add its statement to the others:
This last list of sins are those who men (Greek anthropoi,), the human race, shall commit.
Perhaps Paul does not mean to teach that every unsaved individual will outwardly commit them all, for that does not seem
LATENT IN EVERY UNSAVED [and even saved] PERSON. And, no one can tell how many of them he may commit before his life ends.
When we consider that thinking [of doing] a sin is one way of committing that sin (Matt. 5:28), it is not hard to believe
that the unsaved are guilty of all these sins. If these sinful actions compose a texture so that to commit one of them is
to commit all, then there can be no doubt that all men are guilty of all (see James 2:10). Certainly every sin in this catalog
is committed every day, hundreds of times, in every modern city.
In Mark 7:21-23, Jesus gives a list of the sins that come from within, out of the hearts of men:
Similarly, we can say about these sins, that while they are not outwardly evident in
every unsaved person, yet, they are possible, and to entertain them in the mind is the same as to commit them. Other
facts in the New Testament concerning the unsaved complete the list of a hundred items:
These items all apply to you actually, or, potentially. They are not the idle
imaginations of a morbid mind, nor the lurid fancies of a medievalist. A thousand times, no! THEY ARE THE SOBER
RECORD OF GOD'S ETERNAL WORD, WHICH LIVETH AND ABIDETH FOREVER. We have presented this list in a hundred statements,
not because that is the exact number in the New Testament. No, it could be made longer. We have tried to make it
impressive—we wish to make overwhelmingly plain the nature, condition, walk, danger, and destiny of the unsaved.
They should know, and their friends and relatives should know, how they stand in God's sight. What does it mean to
be lost? NO human mind is capable of fully understanding, but God knows. And, He has tried to give us some idea of
what it means through these various statements in the New Testament.
Let us not be deceived or lulled to sleep by outward appearances, by man-made philosophies
and religions, by the jests and wisecracks of worldlings, and by satanic lies. The lost are all around us. Their peril
is exceedingly grave.
Let us believe it! Christians lack concern, burden, compassion, and prayer power—the lostness of men seeming like a light
thing. May the Lord, through His Word, and by His Spirit, awaken us to the truth, SO WE WILL LIVE, AND LABOR, TO
--Gen. Jim Green
Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me.
Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot
save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your
precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve
you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive
everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a
clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my
prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!
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